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Oolong Taiwan Tea Jin Xuan Milk Wulong 250g Green Tea Organic Loose Leaf Tea

$39.00 USD $45.76 USD Save $6.76 USD
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  Description: Oolong tea comes from the camellia sinensis plant. Oolong tea is recognized as a weight loss tea that decreases body fat and speeds up metabolism and blocks fat building enzymes. It also helps to keep the pounds off once you lost them. Not only that, but the tea helps to build a healthy immune system with other health benefits. For weight loss, try to substitute your daily latte with this aromatic, enticing cup of oolong tea. It burns excess fat and also prevents fat from returning. Oolong tea has less caffeine (compared to coffee) and tastes good without any extra sweeteners or milk. Finally it provides many additional wellness benefits.

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